Ibai Irastorza Azcarate's CV 📜


🌱 Basque 🏔 in Berlin 🏙

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Ibai Irastorza Azcarate - Data Scientist 🔬💻📚

Email / Email2 / LinkedIn / GitHub / Google Scholar

Ph.D. in Bioinformatics with Computer Engineering background. 10 years of experience in research and data science, and more than 4 in software development. With a diverse professional journey, I’ve served as a High-Performance Computer Administrator and contributed to the development of various applications in the private sector and academia. Proficient in Python, Pandas and Pyplot, I am confident in handling large genomic data. I am also committed to continuous learning, evident in my recent participation in Deep Learning workshops or courses in Machine learning in weather and climate. I excel in synthesizing information into compelling theses and research articles, showcasing strong written communication skills. My international academic experience has cultivated cultural awareness, adaptability, and resilience, enabling effective collaboration in diverse teams. Proficient in English, I have attended numerous international conferences to showcase my work, fostering confidence in my English communication and presentation abilities. Additionally, I have provided supervision to colleagues and successfully managed substantial projects, affirming my proficiency in leadership and systematic skills.

🎓 Education

💼 Work experience

Post-Doctoral Researcher @ MDC-BIMSB (Berlin) Supervisor: Dr. Ana Pombo (Jun 2018 - Present)

Ph.D. Candidate @ CABD (Seville) / Complutense University of Madrid Supervisor: Dr. Damien Devos (Oct 2013 - May 2018)

M.Sc. Internship @ University of Heidelberg and the Center for Organismal studies, Heidelberg, Germany (May 2013 - Sep 2013)

Android Applications Developer (Oct 2011 - May 2013)

Software Developer @ Accenture / BBVA (Madrid) (Oct 2011 - Aug 2012)

Software Developer @ Mon Digital (IT company, Madrid) (May 2011 - Oct 2011)

Software Developer @ Embedded Technologies Innovation Centre / Microsoft (Arrasate, Spain) (Sep 2008 - Jul 2009)

💻 ML projects

ML project: Satellite image classification ( Tensorflow, keras, Docker, flask): My Code

Deep Learning project: Rain prediction (Scikit-learn, Docker, AWS, Elastic BeanStalk, Flask): My Code

MLOps project: Drought prediction (Mlflow, Prefect, Prometheus, Grafana, Docker, Flask, Scikit-learn): My Code

✍️ Courses/Activities

AI & Data Engineer Online Training @ International University (June 2024 - October 2024)

Machine Learning operations (MLOps) course @ DataTalksClub (May 2024 - Aug 2024) My Code

Machine learning in Weather and Climate, Massive Open Online Course @ ECMWF (Dec 2023 - Present) My Code

Machine Learning course @ DataTalksClub (Sep 2023 - Dec 2023) My Code

Applied Deep Learning in Bioinformatics, Summer School @ Copenhagen University (Aug 2023)

Review Editor in “Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology” (Aug 2023 - Present)

Master Thesis reviewer of Altair Hernández Chichilla, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona (Jul 2020)

Master degree Teacher in Bioinformatic Analysis. Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO), Sevilla. (Jan 2016 - Mar 2018) R and Perl programming languages

Integration of MultiOmic Data in Genetic Association Studies. Universidad de Sevilla. (Sep 2017)

High Performance Computer Administrator @ CABD (Seville) (Dec 2015 - Dec 2017)

Secondment @ University California San Francisco (Sep 2014 - Oct 2014)

3D genome modeling workshop, Strasbourg (Sep 2014)

💻 Technical Skills:

🦾 Other Skills

🎤 Communication in International meetings

🏆 Accomplishments

FEBS long term fellowship 100.000 € https://www.febs.org/funding/fellowships/ (Jun 2018 - Dec 2020)

💬 Languages

🇵🇲 Euskara/Basque: Native
🇪🇸 Spanish: Native
🇬🇧 English: C1 Proficient User
🇩🇪 German: A2 Basic User

🔬 Research Publications

  1. Ibai Irastorza-Azcarate,#, Alexander Kukalev,#, Rieke Kempfer,#, Christoph Thieme, Guido Mastrobuoni, Julia Markowski, Gesa Loof, Thomas M. Sparks, Emily Brookes, Kedar Natarajan, Mario Nicodemi, Bing Ren, Roland Schwarz, Stefan Kempa, and Ana Pombo. “Extensive folding variability between homologous chromosomes in mammalian cells” Sent to Molecuar Systems Biology

  2. RD Acemel, JJ Tena, I Irastorza-Azcarate, F Marlétaz, C Gómez-Marín, …
    “A single three-dimensional chromatin compartment in amphioxus indicates a stepwise evolution of vertebrate Hox bimodal regulation”
    Nature genetics, 48 (3), 336-341, 2016
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/ng.3497

  3. W Winick-Ng, A Kukalev, I Harabula, L Zea-Redondo, D Szabó, M Meijer, …
    “Cell-type specialization is encoded by specific chromatin topologies”
    Nature, 599 (7886), 684-691, 2021
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-04081-2

  4. A Picco, I Irastorza-Azcarate, T Specht, D Böke, I Pazos, AS Rivier-Cordey, …
    “The in vivo architecture of the exocyst provides structural basis for exocytosis”
    Cell, 168 (3), 400-412. e18, 2017
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2017.01.004

  5. L Fiorillo, F Musella, M Conte, R Kempfer, AM Chiariello, S Bianco, …
    “Comparison of the Hi-C, GAM and SPRITE methods using polymer models of chromatin”
    Nature methods, 18 (5), 482-490, 2021
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-021-01135-1

  6. M Franke, E De la Calle-Mustienes, A Neto, M Almuedo-Castillo, …
    “CTCF knockout in zebrafish induces alterations in regulatory landscapes and developmental gene expression”
    Nature communications, 12 (1), 5415, 2021
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-25604-5

  7. C Vicente-Garcia, B Villarejo-Balcells, I Irastorza-Azcarate, S Naranjo, …
    “Regulatory landscape fusion in rhabdomyosarcoma through interactions between the PAX3 promoter and FOXO1 regulatory elements”
    Genome Biology, 18, 1-18, 2017
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-017-1225-z

  8. R Alcalá-Vida, J Seguin, C Lotz, AM Molitor, I Irastorza-Azcarate, A Awada, …
    “Age-related and disease locus-specific mechanisms contribute to early remodelling of chromatin structure in Huntington’s disease mice”
    Nature communications, 12 (1), 364, 2021
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-20605-2

  9. I Irastorza-Azcarate, RD Acemel, JJ Tena, I Maeso, JL Gómez-Skarmeta, …
    “4Cin: A computational pipeline for 3D genome modeling and virtual Hi-C analyses from 4C data”
    PLoS Computational Biology, 14 (3), e1006030, 2018
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006030

  10. J Markowski, R Kempfer, A Kukalev, I Irastorza-Azcarate, G Loof, B Kehr, …
    “GAMIBHEAR: whole-genome haplotype reconstruction from Genome Architecture Mapping data”
    Bioinformatics, 37 (19), 3128-3135, 2021
    DOI: https://10.1093/bioinformatics/btab238

  11. I Irastorza-Azcarate, D Castaño-Díez, DP Devos, O Gallego
    “Live-cell structural biology to solve biological mechanisms: The case of the exocyst”
    Structure, 27 (6), 886-892, 2019
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.str.2019.04.010